Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Gratification in a Hard Day's Work

There is something so gratifying in a long hard day at work. Walking to my car I felt elated. No, not just because I was done for the day, but because I worked hard and finished a HUGE project! When I work I put everything in to what I am doing. To see the payoff feels so good.

It is my impression that there are way too many people in the world who go to work and do the bare minimum to take home their paycheck. I'm not saying that work has be consume you entire being, I'm all about working hard and playing hard, but while you work, you should wholly apply yourself.

Although I like to receive praise for a job well done, ultimately I am the one who has live with myself. If I perform poorly, even if I get away with it, at the end of the day I know that I didn't do my best. Sometimes my extra efforts go unnoticed, but more often than not, my clients and former employers notice that I go above and beyond. It is great to know that I, and my work, are appreciated.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Keep the Knowledge Flowing

Andrieux Consulting, as it has been since inception (a little over a year ago) will change significantly in the coming months. My husband's transfer to Sicily has necessitated restructuring my business and moving on to other aspirations and challenges.

Although I will continue to support my current clients in whatever capacity possible, I will be dusting off my more artistic ambitions and plan to use my new found "free time" for personal and professional development. The purpose of this blog is to reflect on all manner of business issues and help me formulate philosophies to further my business in the future and bring innovative ideas to my clients.