Thursday, September 07, 2006

I love my job

Nothing makes you realize how much you like your job until you have to give it up.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be one of the few people who LOVE what they do for a living. Thanks to the support of my wonderful husband, about a year and a half ago I had the courage to quit my day job and start my own business. I had initially wanted to focus more on the art and graphic design side of my interests, but I ended up doing very little of that and focusing on financial consulting for local businesses.

I built up a great regular client base in record time and was off and running. Working with different businesses, different people and different issues every day is what I love about being a consultant. I NEVER get bored.

I really enjoy fixing companies that are a mess. Don't get me wrong, working with healthy companies is great because you get to move above and beyond the day to day and take it to the next step, but there is something very gratifying when a company is a mess, really needs you, and you are the one that picks it up and makes it healthy.

Today I am off to Las Vegas to sit in on a meeting for one of my primary clients This will be the last major project that I participate in with them for a few months. I truely hope that while I am overseas I can continue to work with this company and be a part of the changes taking place.

Giving up the bulk of my business to move is tough. I didn't expect to feel such a loss at quitting my job and being a "kept wife" for awhile, but I'm really going to miss it.